Accreditation and Affiliations


educational objectives and organizational rules applicable in France to institutions of public and private education. The General Inspector of the French Ministry of Education regularly visits schools and sanctions compliance with these criteria for different levels of education.

Ecole Bilingue is accredited by the French Ministry of Education for Cycles 1 – 4 (Maternelle – 8th grade). For more information on the accreditation process through the French Ministry of Education, please visit

In addition, Ecole Bilingue is the only private French school in Louisiana recognized by the Association of French Schools in North America (AFSA). The goal of AFSA is to bring together the best of the French and American education systems and prepare students to meet the demands of the best universities in North America, France and Europe, in both French and English.

For more information, please visit AFSA

Ecole Bilingue is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS). ISAS promotes the highest professional and ethical standards of education excellence for Independent schools in the region and recognizes by formal ongoing accreditation those schools which demonstrate adherence to its standards.  

Ecole Bilingue is also accredited by the State of Louisiana. Our academic program offers a rich English Language Arts and American Studies component designed to balance and complement the strength of our French curriculum. In the American curriculum, our students take courses in English, American math, history and civics.


L’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (AEFE – Agency for French Education Abroad)

Mission Laïque Française L’Agence (MLF – Network of French Schools Abroad)

National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)